Các bài nghiên cứu mới về Công nghệ tài chính từ ngày 11/11 đến ngày 18/11/2021

Trong những năm gần đây, lĩnh vực công nghệ tài chính - Fintech đã đánh dấu nhiều sự phát triển nổi bật. Theo thời gian, Fitech dần được coi là một trong những phương tiện, công cụ quan trọng trong việc định hình và phát triển đổi mới tài chính. Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia trân trọng gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Công nghệ tài chính, được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống. Những nghiên cứu công bố được tổng hợp tại đường link các bài.



1. Empirical analysis of bitcoin price

Chen, Yuanyuan (Catherine). Journal of Economics and Finance; New York Vol. 45, Iss.4, (Oct 2021): 692-715



2. Exchange Rate, Exchange Rate Volatility and Stock Prices: An Analysis of the Symmetric and Asymmetric Effect Using ARDL and NARDL Models

Saidi, La Ode; Muthalib, Abd Azis; Adam, Pasrun; Rumbia, Wali Aya; Sani, La Ode Arsad. Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal; Wollongong Vol. 15, Iss. 4, (2021): 177,179-190



3. Development of Automated Teller Machine System Using JAVA

Borah, Surajit; Borah, Shinjit Kamal. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science; Udaipur Vol. 3, Iss. 1, (Jan 2012).



4. Seafirst Expands Card Delivery Systems

Asher, Joe. American Bankers Association. ABA Banking Journal; New York Vol.83, Iss.4, (Apr 1991): 76.



5. An Enhanced Automated Teller Machine Security Prototype using Fingerprint Biometric Authentication

Ochang, Paschal A; Ofem, Paulinus O. International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications Vol. 8, Iss. 4,  (Jan/Feb 2017): 3110-3117



6. Developing an Effective Graph Based Block Chain Framework

Prasad, B Ravi; Swapnil Saurav; Devi, A Sangeerani; Loganathan, Venkateshwaran. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021)



7. Blockchain and GDPR - A Study on Compatibility Issues of the Distributed Ledger Technology with GDPR Data Processing

Mani Karthik Suhas Suripeddi; Purandare, Pradnya. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021)



8. Blockchain Infrastructure with Fragments Dependent Security Deposit Solution

Jaya, R; Thirukkumaran, R; Saravanan, S; Sivabalan, N. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021)



9. Comparison of tow two cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and Litecoin

Mustafa Lateef Fadhil Jumaili; Karim, Sulaiman M. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1963, Iss. 1, (Jul 2021)



10. Network Simulation Software Architecture of Blockchain: A Model-Led Viewpoint

Brindha, G; Juliet, P Sudha; Nandakumar, S D; Valarmathi, R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 7, (Jul 2021)



11. Network Virtualization Incorporation and Projection System Technologies Using Block Chaining

V Prasanna Srinivasan; Viswanathan, C; Sailaja, P; Manimala, G. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021)



12. Blockchain periodic storage space recovery method based on blockchain consensus algorithm

Cao, Hongping. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1982, Iss. 1, (Jul 2021)



13. A Modified Hybrid Blockchain Framework for Secured Data Transaction

Bhanupriya, P; Gauni, Sabitha; Kalimuthu, K; Manimegalai, C T. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021)






1. Exploring the driving forces of the Bitcoin currency exchange rate dynamics: an EGARCH approach

Siwen Zhou in Empirical Economics (2021)



2. Can fiat currencies really hedge Bitcoin? Evidence from dynamic short-term perspective

Jihed Majdoub, Salim Ben Sassi, Azza Bejaoui in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)



3. The volatility of Bitcoin and its role as a medium of exchange and a store of value

Dirk G. Baur, Thomas Dimpfl in Empirical Economics (2021)



4. Dynamic spillovers between the term structure of interest rates, bitcoin, and safe-haven currencies

David Y. Aharon, Zaghum Umar, Xuan Vinh Vo in Financial Innovation (2021)



5. The Determinants of Bitcoin’s Price: Utilization of GARCH and Machine Learning Approaches

Ting-Hsuan Chen, Mu-Yen Chen, Guan-Ting Du in Computational Economics (2021)



6. Financial Technology with AI-Enabled and Ethical Challenges

Muhammad Anshari, Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Masairol Masri, Milan Hrdy in Society (2021)



7. Financial technology and the future of banking

Daniel Broby in Financial Innovation (2021)



8.Tarzan and chain: exploring the ICO jungle and evaluating design archetypes

Nina M. Bachmann, Benedict Drasch, Gilbert Fridgen, Michael Miksch… in Electronic Markets (2021)



9. Contemporaneous financial intermediation

Markus Merz in Digital Finance (2021)



10. Initial coin offerings, information disclosure, and fraud

Lars Hornuf, Theresa Kück, Armin Schwienbacher in Small Business Economics (2021)






1. Detecting cryptocurrency pump-and-dump frauds using market and social signals

Expert Systems with Applications, 30 May 2021, Volume 182, Article 115284

Huy Nghiem, Goran Muric, Emilio Ferrara



2. From the theories of financial resource acquisition to a theory for acquiring financial resources - how should digital ventures raise equity capital beyond seed funding

Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15 September 2021, Volume 16, Article e00278

Shoon Chan (Timothy) Hor, Artemis Chang, Per Davidsson



3. The failure of Chinese peer-to-peer lending platforms: Finance and politics

Journal of Corporate Finance, 23 December 2020, Volume 66 (Cover date: February 2021), Article 101852

Qing He, Xiaoyang Li



4. Parameter behavioral finance model of investor groups based on statistical approaches


The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 6 February 2021, Volume 80,  Pages 74-79

Jinwu Zhuo, Xinmiao Li, Changrui Yu



5. The value proposition of blockchain technologies and its impact on Digital Platforms

Computers & Industrial Engineering, 25 February 2021, Volume 155, Article 107187

Aneesh Zutshi, Antonio Grilo, Tahereh Nodehi



6. Consumer involvement in supply networks: A cubic typology of C2B2C and C2B2B business models

Industrial Marketing Management, 6 November 2020, Volume 93 (Cover date: February 2021), Pages 356-369

Jaakko Aspara, David B. Grant, Maria Holmlund



7. A new integrated similarity measure for enhancing instance-based credit assessment in P2P lending

Expert Systems with Applications, 4 March 2021, Volume 175, Article 114798

Yanhong Guo, Shuai Jiang, Yaocong Li



8. How to identify early defaults in online lending: A cost-sensitive multi-layer learning framework

Knowledge-Based Systems, 18 March 2021, Volume 221, Article 106963

Zhiyong Li, Junfeng Zhang, Gang Kou



9. A benchmark of machine learning approaches for credit score prediction

Expert Systems with Applications, 9 September 2020, Volume 165 (Cover date: 1 March 2021), Article 113986

Vincenzo Moscato, Antonio Picariello, Giancarlo Sperlí



10. Forecasting loss given default for peer-to-peer loans via heterogeneous stacking ensemble approach

International Journal of Forecasting, 12 June 2021, Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 1590-1613

Yufei Xia, Junhao Zhao, Xiaoli Yang


Nguồn: Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia

Link nội dung: https://vsta.org.vn/cac-bai-nghien-cuu-moi-ve-cong-nghe-tai-chinh-tu-ngay-1111-den-ngay-18112021-21553.html