Trong những năm gần đây, lĩnh vực Công nghệ tài chính - Fintech đã đánh dấu nhiều sự phát triển nổi bật. Theo thời gian, Fitech dần được coi là một trong những phương tiện, công cụ quan trọng trong việc định hình và phát triển đổi mới tài chính. Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia trân trọng gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Công nghệ tài chính, được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống. Những nghiên cứu công bố được tổng hợp tại đường link các bài.
1. An intelligent cross-border transaction system based on consortium blockchain: A case study in Shenzhen, China
Fu, Zhengtang; Dong, Peiwu; Li, Siyao; Ju, Yanbing. PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 16, Iss. 6, (Jun 2021): e0252489.
2. Traceability and ownership claim of data on big data marketplace using blockchain technology
Sahoo, Swagatika; Halder, Raju. Journal of Information and Telecommunication; Abingdon Vol. 5, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021): 35-61.
3. FoBSim: an extensible open-source simulation tool for integrated fog-blockchain systems
Hamza Baniata; Kertesz, Attila. PeerJ Computer Science; San Diego (Apr 16, 2021).
4. Use of the Web API as a basis for obtaining the latest data on bitcoin prices at 30 exchange places
Parlika, Rizky; Arista Pratama. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering; Bristol Vol. 1125, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
5. Predictions of bitcoin prices through machine learning based frameworks
Cocco, Luisanna; Tonelli, Roberto; Marchesi, Michele. PeerJ Computer Science; San Diego (Mar 29, 2021).
6. Software-hardware complex for modeling secure IIoT distributed ledger
Makhmutov, A R; Trishin, S V; Mironov, K V; Vulfin, A M. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering; Bristol Vol. 1069, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021).
7. Raspberry pi based secured cloud data
kumar, S Prasath; Rayavel, P; Anbarasi, N; Renukadevi, B; Maalini, D. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1964, Iss. 4, (Jul 2021).
8. Detection of Malicious Miner in Block chain Network
Franklin, Ramya G; AC Santha Sheela. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1770, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021).
9. Obfuscating encrypted threshold signature algorithm and its applications in cloud computing
Li, Yahong; Wei, Jianzhou; Wu, Bin; Wang, Chunli; Wang, Caifen; et al. PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 16, Iss. 4, (Apr 2021): e0250259.
10. Analysis of Bitcoin's Impact on the Efficiency of a Diversified Portfolio for Brazilian Investors
Batista, Davi Trindade; Alves, Carlos F. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios; São Paulo Vol. 23, Iss. 2, (Apr-Jun 2021): 353-369.
11. LacminCC: lightweight anonymous communication model in cloud computing
Li Fengyin; Wang, Yanli; Ju Hongwei; Yu Xinying; Wang, Zhaojie; et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking; New York Vol. 2021, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
12. A Reliable Authentication Protocol for Peer to Peer Based Applications
Kumar, Ramesh. International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications Vol. 12, Iss. 5, (Mar/Apr 2021): 4714-4718.
13. Secure biometric authentication with de-duplication on distributed cloud storage
Vinoth, Kumar M; Venkatachalam, K; Prabu, P; Almutairi, Abdulwahab; Abouhawwash, Mohamed. PeerJ Computer Science; San Diego (Jul 30, 2021).
14. CESCR: CP-ABE for efficient and secure sharing of data in collaborative ehealth with revocation and no dummy attribute
Kennedy Edemacu; Jang, Beakcheol; Kim, Jong Wook. PLoS One; San Francisco Vol. 16, Iss. 5, (May 2021): e0250992.
15. Portfolio diversification benefits of alternative currency investment in Bitcoin and foreign exchange markets
Qarni Muhammad Owais; Saiqb, Gulzar. Financial Innovation; Heidelberg Vol. 7, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021).
16. Modelling and Verification of Cash Withdrawal Transaction in Automated Teller Machine Using Timed Automata
Hendrawan, Ari Ramadhana; Adzkiya, Dieky. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1821, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021).
17. Automatic teller machine abnormality detector using machine to machine technology
Prabaakaran, K; Senthil, Kumar R; Katta, Pradeep; Riyas O S Abdul; Kavikumar, K; et al. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1916, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
18. Application of queuing theory to reduce waiting period at ATM using a simulated approach
S Devi Soorya; Sreelatha, K S. IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering; Bristol Vol. 1145, Iss. 1, (Apr 2021).
19. An efficient multi-factor authentication scheme based CNNs for securing ATMs over
Shalaby, Ahmed; Ramadan Gad; El-Din Hemdan, Ezz; El-Fishawy, Nawal. PeerJ Computer Science; San Diego (Mar 2, 2021).
20. Biometric based Fingerprint Verification System for ATM machines
Sangeetha, T; Kumaraguru, M; Akshay, S; Kanishka, M. Journal of Physics: Conference Series; Bristol Vol. 1916, Iss. 1, (May 2021).
1. The relationship between trend and volume on the bitcoin market
Beata Szetela, Grzegorz Mentel, Yuriy Bilan, Urszula Mentel in Eurasian Economic Review (2021)
2. Forecasting and trading cryptocurrencies with machine learning under changing market conditions
Helder Sebastião, Pedro Godinho in Financial Innovation (2021)
3. Betting on bitcoin: a profitable trading between directional and shielding strategies
Paolo De Angelis, Roberto De Marchis, Mario Marino… in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
4. Common dynamic factors for cryptocurrencies and multiple pair-trading statistical arbitrages
Gianna Figá-Talamanca, Sergio Focardi, Marco Patacca in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
5. Temporal mixture ensemble models for probabilistic forecasting of intraday cryptocurrency volume
Nino Antulov-Fantulin, Tian Guo, Fabrizio Lillo in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2021)
6. Machine Learning in Economics and Finance
Periklis Gogas, Theophilos Papadimitriou in Computational Economics (2021)
7. Exploring biometric identification in FinTech applications based on the modified TAM
Jen Sheng Wang in Financial Innovation (2021)
8. Bubbles, crashes and information contagion in large-group asset market experiments
Cars Hommes, Anita Kopányi-Peuker, Joep Sonnemans in Experimental Economics (2021)
9. Asset bubbles in explaining top income shares
Saikat Sarkar, Matti Tuomala in The Journal of Economic Inequality (2021)
10. Integrating Regulatory Technology (RegTech) into the digital transformation of a bank Treasury
Johan von Solms in Journal of Banking Regulation (2021)
1. Setting B2B digital marketing in artificial intelligence-based CRMs: A review and directions for future research
Industrial Marketing Management, 27 August 2021, Volume 98, Pages 161-178
Jose Ramon Saura, Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano, Daniel Palacios-Marqués
2. A quantitative and qualitative study of the link between business process management and digital innovation
Information & Management, 5 December 2020, Volume 58, Issue 2 (Cover date: March 2021), Article 103413
Amy Van Looy
3. The digital tokenization of property rights. A comparative perspective
Computer Law & Security Review, 25 April 2021, Volume 41, Article 105543
Rosa M. Garcia-Teruel, Héctor Simón-Moreno
4. Security factors on the intention to use mobile banking applications in the UK older generation (55+).
A mixed-method study using modified UTAUT and MTAM - with perceived cyber security, risk, and trust
Technology in Society, 21 September 2021, Volume 67, Article 101693
Yasmeen Hanif, Harjinder Singh Lallie
5. A meta-analysis of the UTAUT model in the mobile banking literature: The moderating role of sample size and culture
Journal of Business Research, 27 April 2021, Volume 132, Pages 354-372
Yassine Jadil, Nripendra P. Rana, Yogesh K. Dwivedi
6. Cloud-based client accounting and small and medium accounting practices: Adoption and impact
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 15 April 2021, Volume 41, Article 100513
Darren Ma, Richard Fisher, Trevor Nesbit
7. On the stability of stablecoins
Journal of Empirical Finance, 17 September 2021, Volume 64, Pages 207-223
Klaus Grobys, Juha Junttila, Niranjan Sapkota
8. Supply chain finance based on smart contract
Procedia Computer Science, 12 June 2021, Volume 187, Pages 12-17
TianLin Zhang, JinJiang Li, XINBO JIANG
9. Diversification benefits in the cryptocurrency market under mild explosivity
European Journal of Operational Research, 3 March 2021, Volume 295, Issue 1, Pages 378-393
Sofia Anyfantaki, Stelios Arvanitis, Nikolas Topaloglou
10. Tokenized index funds: A blockchain-based concept and a multidisciplinary research framework
International Journal of Information Management, 7 August 2021, Volume 61, Article 102400
Raffaele Fabio Ciriello
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