Các bài nghiên cứu mới về Đô thị thông minh từ ngày 22/12 đến ngày 28/12/2021

Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia trân trọng kính gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Đô thị thông minh (Smart city) trên thế giới bao gồm những bài viết đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống năm 2021.


1. The Internet of Things for Smart Roads: A Road Map From Present to Future Road Infrastructure
Guoqiang Mao;Yilong Hui;Xiaojiang Ren;Changle Li;Yongjun Shao
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
Year: 2021 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE

2. Vehicles Detection for Smart Roads Applications on Board of Smart Cameras: A Comparative Analysis
Antonio Greco;Alessia Saggese;Mario Vento;Vincenzo Vigilante
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Year: 2021 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE

3. EcRD: Edge-Cloud Computing Framework for Smart Road Damage Detection and Warning
Yachao Yuan;Md. Saiful Islam;Yali Yuan;Shengjin Wang;Thar Baker;Lutz Maria Kolbe
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Year: 2021 | Volume: 8, Issue: 16 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

4. Privacy Regulations, Smart Roads, Blockchain, and Liability Insurance: Putting Technologies to Work
Lelio Campanile;Mauro Iacono;Alexander H. Levis;Fiammetta Marulli;Michele Mastroianni
IEEE Security & Privacy
Year: 2021 | Volume: 19, Issue: 1 | Magazine Article | Publisher: IEEE

5. Roads Infrastructure Digital Twin: A Step Toward Smarter Cities Realization
Oussama El Marai;Tarik Taleb;JaeSeung Song
IEEE Network
Year: 2021 | Volume: 35, Issue: 2 | Magazine Article | Publisher: IEEE

6. A Generative Latent Space Approach for Real-Time Road Surveillance in Smart Cities
Rashmika Nawaratne;Sachin Kahawala;Su Nguyen;Daswin De Silva
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Year: 2021 | Volume: 17, Issue: 7 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

7. sMRT: Multi-Resident Tracking in Smart Homes With Sensor Vectorization
Tinghui Wang;Diane J. Cook
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Year: 2021 | Volume: 43, Issue: 8 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

8. Smart Home Technologies Are Saving Money and Lives: Reaching out in new directions, signal processing-supported smart technologies are rapidly changing—and improving—everyday life [Special Reports]
John Edwards
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Year: 2021 | Volume: 38, Issue: 5 | Magazine Article | Publisher: IEEE

9. Vehicle-Life Interaction in Fog-Enabled Smart Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Bushra Feroz;Amjad Mehmood;Hafsa Maryam;Sherali Zeadally;Carsten Maple;Munam Ali Shah
IEEE Access
Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

10. IEEE E-TEMS 2021 Editorial: Researching Quality of Life in Smart Cities
Beverly Pasian
2021 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS)
Year: 2021 | Conference Paper | Publisher: IEEE


1. Home office as new approach to smart city idea in pandemic time
Procedia Computer Science, 1 October 2021, Volume 192 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 3832-3847
Joanna Antczak, Izabela Horzela

2. Dynamic traffic congestion pricing and electric vehicle charging management system for the internet of vehicles in smart cities
Digital Communications and Networks, Available online 9 February 2021, In press, corrected proof
Nyothiri Aung, Weidong Zhang, Yibo Ai

3. Cyber-Resilient Smart Cities: Detection of Malicious Attacks in Smart Grids
Sustainable Cities and Society, 26 June 2021, Volume 75 (Cover date: December 2021), Article 103116
Mostafa Mohammadpourfard, Abdullah Khalili, Charalambos Konstantinou

4. Analytics of location-based big data for smart cities: Opportunities, challenges, and future directions
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 8 September 2021, Volume 90 (Cover date: November 2021), Article 101712
Haosheng Huang, Xiaobai Angela Yao, Bin Jiang

5. Smart Management for Smart Cities - Synchronized Solutions
FAC-PapersOnLine, 12 November 2021, Volume 54, Issue 13 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 732-737
Alexander F. Pashchenko

6. Social Infrastructure supporting Ambient Assisted Living in a Smart Silver City: Literature Review and Research Agenda
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 9 November 2021, Volume 54, Issue 1 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 942-947
David Bogataj, Valerija Rogelj, Alenka Temeljotov Salaj

7. Towards Safety of Unmanned Vehicles in the Smart City Environment
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 9 November 2021, Volume 54, Issue 1 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 959-964
A. V. Abdulov, E. A. Abdulova

8. A study on data driven technologies involved in the development of viable anticipated smart cities
Materials Today: Proceedings, Available online 18 February 2021, In press, corrected proof
K. Logeswaran, P. Suresh, S. Savitha

9. Review of Telecare in Smart Age-Friendly Cities
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 12 November 2021, Volume 54, Issue 13 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 744-749
Simon Colnar, Vlado Dimovski, David Bogataj

10. An edge AI-enabled IoT healthcare monitoring system for smart cities
Computers & Electrical Engineering, 13 October 2021, Volume 96, Part B (Cover date: December 2021), Article 107524
Vipin Kumar Rathi, Nikhil Kumar Rajput, M. Shamim Hossain


1. Integration of the Infrastructure of Systems Used in Smart Cities for the Planning of Transport and Communication Systems in Cities
Stępniak, Cezary; Jelonek, Dorota; Wyrwicka, Magdalena; Chomiak-Orsa, Iwona. Energies; Basel Vol. 14, Iss. 11, (2021): 3069.

2. ZARATAMAP: Noise Characterization in the Scope of a Smart City through a Low Cost and Mobile Electronic Embedded System
Sensors; Basel Vol. 21, Iss. 5, (2021): 1707.

3. Energy-efficient time and energy resource allocation in non-selfish symbiotic cognitive relaying sensor network with privacy preserving for smart city
Li, Ping; Liu, Yu; Gao Xiang; Li, Huibo; Gong Peng. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking; New York Vol. 2021, Iss. 1, (Mar 2021).

4. The Development of the Smart Cities in the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) Era: From Mobility Patterns to Scaling in Cities
Campisi, Tiziana; Severino, Alessandro; Muhammad Ahmad Al-Rashid; Pau, Giovanni. Infrastructures; Basel Vol. 6, Iss. 7, (2021): 100.

5. Exploring the Effects of “Smart City” in the Inner-City Fabric of the Mediterranean Metropolis: Towards a Bio-Cultural Sonic Diversity?
Kyvelou, Stella Sofia; Bobolos, Nicos; Tsaligopoulos, Aggelos. Heritage; Basel Vol. 4, Iss. 2, (2021): 690.

6. Model of Evaluation and Selection of Expert Group Members for Smart Cities, Green Transportation and Mobility: From Safe Times to Pandemic Times
Kelemen, Miroslav; Polishchuk, Volodymyr; Gavurová, Beáta; Rozenberg, Róbert; Bartok, Juraj; et al. Mathematics; Basel Vol. 9, Iss. 11, (2021): 1287.

7. Examining the Contribution of Smart Homes to the Smart Performance of Cities
Orosz, Dániel. Theory, Methodology, Practice; Miskolc Vol. 17, Iss. SI, (2021): 23-30.

8. The Use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as an Element of Smart City Implementation: A Case Study of Electricity Billing Document Management at Bydgoszcz City Hall
Sobczak, Andrzej; Ziora, Leszek. Energies; Basel Vol. 14, Iss. 16, (2021): 5191.

9. Interconnected Sensor Networks and Digital Urban Governance in Data-driven Smart Sustainable Cities
Cohen, Sarah. Geopolitics, History and International Relations; Woodside Vol. 13, Iss. 1, (2021): 97-107.

10. Interconnected Sensor Networks and Machine Learning-based Analytics in Data-driven Smart Sustainable Cities
Townsend, Jason. Geopolitics, History and International Relations; Woodside Vol. 13, Iss. 1, (2021): 31-41.

11. Internet of Things Sensing Infrastructures and Urban Big Data Analytics in Smart Sustainable City Governance and Management
Gibson, Peter. Geopolitics, History and International Relations; Woodside Vol. 13, Iss. 1, (2021): 42-52.

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